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EU Funding - A Practical Overview

Start Date
26 May 2025
Anamaria Magri Pantea
5 afternoon sessions
Course Level
Certificate of Attendance
No Specific Requirements
Certificate of Attendance

Course title: EU and public funding – a practical overview


What is it about?


A course explaining the rationale of EU and other public funding support schemes, as well as their role in the overall financing mix of various types of organisations. It provides an overview of all main types of such EU and public funding programmes available for Maltese organisations, of the project development and funding application process, as well as of the general principles and key requirements in the management of EU and public funding.


Who is it for?


Anyone who is new to the workings of the EU institutions, their policies and support programmes, and who is considering applying for public funding to support the achievement of the objectives of their organisations.


Representatives of any organisation, be it a private company, public organisation, or NGO, active in the economic, educational, cultural, social or environmental sector would benefit from attending this course. Senior and middle management representatives are best placed to be able to reap the benefits of this course.



Course sessions: 14:00–17:00


Our trainer has 20 years of experience in EU funding, including working with EU institutions and acting as an expert evaluator of project proposals

Course Notes included.


Why Should You Attend?


Understanding the various EU and other public funding support schemes, their rationale and principles of allocation is of utmost importance to ensure a successful application for and use of such public funds. The course will help participants understand how are these support programmes and schemes to be pursued and applied, so as to ensure the highest chance of success. How are projects to be implemented in practice to ensure that no approved EU/public funding will be lost or need to be paid back?


Detailed course structure:

Session 1 (3h): Overview of EU and public funding intervention rationale, main players, contribution types and grants principles

Session 2 (3h): Overview of EU level funding programmes 

Session 3 (3h): Overview of Malta level public funding support programmes

Session 4 (3h): How to effectively structure, plan and submit applications for EU and public funding

Session 5 (3h): How to successfully implement EU and publicly funded projects


By the end of the course, the participants will have an understanding of:

  • The rationale for public funding interventions
  • The place of public funding in today’s organisational financing mix
  • Main types and programmes of public funding
  • EU and national policies and their related funding instruments
  • The programming process and projects management lifecycle
  • How to identify EU and public funding opportunities
  • How to develop projects relevant to EU and public funding programmes
  • The main characteristics of a successful EU / public funding project proposal
  • How to join other projects and funding proposals
  • The application process stages and its requirements (administrative, technical and financial)
  • Evaluation approaches, evaluation criteria and selection procedures applied
  • The main principles to successfully plan and manage a project
  • The main financial principles of EU funding programs and how to successfully manage the project’s budget
  • The main requirements for successful communication on the project, dissemination and/or exploitation of its results, for abiding to public funding support visibility obligations    
  • The challenges of managing an EU funded project as the only or coordinating beneficiary, or otherwise as a partner
  • Insight into successfully implemented EU projects

Methods and Tools

  • Presentations will be used to set the background of each topic and set the base for questions and discussion.
  • Brainstorming and discussions will be used to encourage participants to share their ideas and experiences on the subject.
  • Case studiesand examples will be used so as to trigger discussion and to enhance understanding and practical understanding of the issues discussed.
  • Group work will be used in order to facilitate practical application of the information received, as well as understanding or the team work necessary for the planning and implementation of a project.


Anamaria Magri Pantea, holding an Honours Degree in Economics with specialisation in finance and a Master in Business Administration with Distinction, is an independent management consultant in EU funding, innovation management and business development. She has 20 years of experience in project structuring and funding sourcing, their initiation, coordination, supervision and evaluation. Anamaria has extensive expertise in EU funding (facilitating access to, managing monitoring, and reviewing its implementation), particularly in areas related to research and innovation, enterprise competitiveness, entrepreneurship, ICT, energy and environment sustainability. Anamaria previously worked with Malta Investment Management Co. Ltd (MIMCOL), where she set-up and managed the Malta National Contact Point for the EU’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme. She also worked with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as a Projects Officer and Team Leader Monitoring and Assessment of EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities. Since 2014, she has also worked as an independent expert, evaluator and projects reviewer on a number of EU and inter-governmental funding programmes, including the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the programme for the Competitiveness of SMEs and Enterprises (COSME), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, ENPI CBC MED, ERANETMED, Ambient Assisted Living, etc. She has also been assisting various national funding organisations with evaluations, including in Malta, Cyprus, Ireland, Georgia, Czechia, Slovak Republic, etc. 


This course is spread out over 5 sessions of three hours. 

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*Disclaimer: Kindly note scheduled dates and times are subject to change. We will do our best to avoid re-scheduling, however, in the unlikely event that this occurs, new dates/times will be discussed with applicants.

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Course Schedules

  26 May 2025 - 30 May 2025 €430.00
   26 May 25 1400 1700
   27 May 25 1400 1700
   28 May 25 1400 1700
   29 May 25 1400 1700
   30 May 25 1400 1700

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