Welcome to People Learning offering both public and bespoke courses online, blended and on-premise, in the EU, UK and EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) regions. If you have any difficulties using this site or any queries please email information@peoplelearning.edu.mt




At People Learning we provide a full range of public and bespoke training courses

as well as executive coaching and psychometric assessment.

Based in Malta, we offer our services throughout Europe,

the Middle East and North Africa.



Please click here for our full course schedule

People Learning - Developing People's Potential

Please click here for our Privacy and Data Protection Policy



Our Services include

  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Employee Climate Surveys
  • Management Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Reward and Talent Management
  • HR Audits
  • Business and Work Psychology Services
  • Psychometric Assessments, Aptitude and ability testing, Assessment Centres
  • Mystery Shopping 




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Website Designed & Developed by Innovative Codes

Please note that completion of a course Registration is considered to be a *booking* and a *commitment*. If you just want to enquire please send an email toinformation@peoplelearning.edu.mtand/or WhatsApp +356 79787892. People Learning - Your choice for Training and Development, Careers Advice and Opportunities, Psychometrics and Data Analysis.