Policy for Training Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement
List of Figures
Figure 1 – The Quality Cycle ………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 2 - The Plan, Do, Check, Act Quality Cycle Approach ………………………………………
Figure 3 - The relationship between the IQA and EQA ………………………………………………
1. Introduction
Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) is the process of ensuring that training delivery and assessment practice is monitored in order to ensure that they meet or exceed national standards of the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education set by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) in Malta in conformity with EU regulations. At People and Co. Limited and People Contracting Services Ltd., operators of People Learning and peoplelearning.com.mt we operate a strong internal quality assurance system, to maintain the reliability and precision of evaluations and ensure continuous development of our trainers, procedures, resources, environment and processes. This supports our aim to encourage and enable learning and realise achievement through quality delivery. We regularly monitor and review (our Principal oversees Quality Assurance) all training delivery taking place in the centre as well as online delivery/ live streaming. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) is carried out on an ongoing basis to ensure standards are kept , all course-ware for learners/ trainees and trainer alike are updated etc.
People Learning understands that is crucial to keep abreast of external developments and best practice in further and higher education and sees this as part of being a self-critical academic
and commercial training community which evaluates and enhances its quality assurance procedures to develop a culture of continuous improvement. The maintenance and enhancement of this depend primarily on the commitment of all staff to constantly evaluate and reflect on the quality of the educational experiences provided for course participants.
People Learning has well-established, comprehensive and rigorous arrangements for the approval, review, modification and annual monitoring of its academic and commercial training provision. The key principles set out below, together with the policies and procedures published on People Learning’s website www.peoplelearning.com.mt, are important as guides to all involved in training delivery in their efforts to secure the standards of the awards and a high quality course participant experience.
2. Key Principles
The main principles underpinning People Learning’s quality and standards policy are:
- Quality assurance and enhancement are best achieved through the fostering of an ethos of critical self-reflection in partnership with course participants;
- Employees and trainers of People Learning should have responsibility for enhancing the quality of the learning experience of their learners, whilst acknowledging that course participants, as adults, will take responsibility for their own learning;
- Collegiality and rigorous external peer review, where appropriate, are vital means to identify areas for improvement, to foster collaboration and the exchange of best practice;
- The benchmarking of its training standards is at the heart of People Learning’s procedures;
- It is desirable to promote consistency rather than standardisation wherever possible- eg. consistency in quality training delivery -;
- Course participants and other stakeholders are key contributors to the shaping of People Learning’s policies and mechanisms in the area of quality and standards;
- All policies and procedures relating to quality and standards should be subject of regular review to ensure their ongoing fitness for purpose in a rapidly changing internal and external environment.
3. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) System
People Learning’s Internal Quality Assurance System aims to improve the quality of its Learning Programmes. The quality of a Learning Programme lies in its ability to provide appropriate solutions for the expectations of anyone who is interested in the educational services available: course participants and all stakeholders.
People Learning’s IQA System regularly gathers and analyses important information - such as the number of course participants who complete the course in line with the regular programme, or the employment situation of course participants - and based on this, plans concrete improvement actions. It is to all extents and purposes a self-assessment system.
People Learning’s IQA system aims to:
- Guarantee that the quality of the training programmes is well documented, verifiable and assessable;
- Facilitate access to information, making it clearer and more understandable for course participants, and all stakeholders;
- Promote a process of continuous improvement in Learning Programmes.
3.1. Quality Culture
The need for a quality culture for higher education in Malta is highlighted in National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015). This concept is also highlighted in the European Standards and Guidelines (2015) which is clearly founded upon the development of a quality culture that places the primary locus of improvement within the provider.
Quality culture refers to an organisational culture that intends to enhance quality permanently and is characterised by two distinct elements: on the one hand, a cultural/psychological element of shared values, beliefs, expectations and commitment towards quality and, on the other hand, a structural/managerial element with defined processes that enhance quality and aim at coordinating individual efforts. Thus, the cultural/psychological element refers to individual staff members and trainers while the structural/managerial refers back to the institution. These two aspects, however, are not to be considered separately: both elements must be linked through good communication, discussion and participatory processes at institutional level.
People Learning embraces a quality culture, where the actions of its trainers, personnel and course participants are inspired by a desire to continuously improve their practice, learning experience and outcomes. People Learning strives to foster a training community of reflective practice that engages, both internally and externally, in an ongoing cycle of quality as an integral component of its striving for excellence in teaching, learning and research.
People Learning’s Quality Assurance is based on the Quality Cycle which is the overarching principle of the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015). The Quality Cycle (Figure 1) informs both People Learning’s learning process of the IQA as well as the developmental perspective of People Learning’s External Quality Assurance (EQA) and its interaction with the IQA. It is the IQA of People Learning that is the primary driver for enhanced quality and output, assisted by the EQA process.

Figure 1: The Quality Cycle |
Source: National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015), NCFHE, Ministry for Education and Employment, Malta.
3.2. The IQA Standards
For successful quality provision and learning environments, People Learning’s IQA system is underpinned by the eleven standards for quality assurance. These standards form the basis of the peer review process and incorporate the expectations of the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015) together with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015). People Learning for Education considers these standards in a broader context that also includes the Malta Qualifications Framework and the use of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) learning credits as indicated in the Malta Referencing Report (2016).
The standards for internal quality assurance are:
- Policy for Internal Quality Assurance
- Institutional probity
- Design and approval of programmes
- Learner -centred learning, teaching and assessment
- Learner enrollment , progression, recognition and certification
- Training Faculty
- Learning resources and learner support
- Information management
- Public information
- On-going monitoring and periodic review of programmes
- Cyclical external quality assurance.
3.3. Approval of Courses
Some programmes at People Learning are recognised and pegged to the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and some are accredited by the NCFHE. Other courses (eg Prince2 , AgilePM are provided by trainers certified by external institutions such as the APMG , AXELOS etc. and certification bodies such as PeopleCert, or for example for certified IBM-SPSS training through our Educational Partnership with LearnQuest, and other similar relationships). Some courses are also independently approved for the Get Qualified and similar funding schemes by Malta Enterprise and other collaborating Government entities (eg MITA and MEDE)
The courses are learning outcome based and each course description includes specific and defined knowledge, skills and competences that the course participant would gain after the successful completion of the course. The adoption of this approach focuses activity on the course participant and away from the trainer who we encourage to me a facilitator rather than a “lecturer”. This implies that course participants should be actively involved in the planning and management of their own learning and take more responsibility for this as they progressively develop as independent learners. This produces an automatic focus on how learners learn and the design of effective learning environments. There is a knock-on effect that links the use of learning outcomes, the selection of appropriate teaching strategies and the development of suitable assessment techniques.
Our Train the Trainer courses are open to our own trainers as well as clients and ensure that learning dynamics are appropriate for every course. They also ensure that trainers are fully trained to utilise different and appropriate teaching, learning and assessment methodologies during courses. People Learning is equipped with physical and online libraries which provide a model for inquiry learning and building knowledge and confidence in seeking and processing information for all course participants and trainers. Through the online resources, course participants and trainers can access courseware, journals, eBooks and case studies.
To enable a smooth course participant progression, professional learning programmes are designed according to the NCFHE Referencing Report (2015). At the end of each relevant period of study or module, progression is reviewed to ensure that the course participant is benefitting from the course, content with the delivery and able to complete within the expected course duration and any matters arising are dealt with in a timely manner and not left until the end of course evaluation when it might be too late to rectify.
3.4. Training, Learning and Assessment
People Learning is committed to providing high quality training, learning and assessment to enable all course participants to achieve their full potential. This is achieved through; high quality teaching and learning opportunities, rigorous assessment and feedback and the sharing of good practice. People Learning’s Trainer Competence Framework provides an effective framework for the delivery of high-quality training, learning and assessment. This policy relates to all People Learning trainers engaged in facilitating, supporting and managing learning. It applies to all learning programmes offered through People Learning irrespective of; type of activity, place of delivery, learning environment, level or the duration of the course.
3.4.1. The Learning Environment
People Learning for Education seeks to provide a learning environment that should be multi-sensory and designed to help course participants achieve their fullest academic and/or developmental potential, and to maximise the availability of places for course participants who actively engage with their studies. People Learning is committed to provide support to assist course participants to complete the programme in which they have enrolled. People Learning has fair, transparent and effective processes to monitor course participant progression, to identify course participants who may need additional assistance, and to enable the certification of successful course participants. These processes include but are not limited to routine attendance audits, trainers monitoring course participant performance during lectures, and at end of teaching period or module reviews of course participant grade (where this is relevant) outcomes and progression issues for course participants who have not met course progression requirements. Each course evaluation form does not only include trainer and premises (on premise training)/ technology (virtual training) ratings but also developmental goals as well as the overall customer service of People Learning.
3.4.2. Assessment
People Learning adopts a variety of assessment tools, and using assessment to understand and support learning, as well as using learner information to improve teaching as critical in enhancing the course participant’s learning experience. Assessment at People Learning is consistent with the objectives of what is taught and learnt. Trainers are encouraged to use a variety of assessment strategies and assessment tasks to allow a range of different learning outcomes to be assessed and different perspectives of learning to be facilitated and acknowledged. Trainers are encouraged to adopt strategies such as self and peer-assessment to increase learners’ metacognitive abilities so that learners can take control and manage their own learning. Trainers are also encouraged to provide formative feedback in the form of comments on quality and advice on how to improve. The provision of quality feedback is an essential part of effective learning as it gives clear guidance to course participants on how to improve their learning. When course participants are provided with quality feedback and are given the opportunity to act upon it, learning is enhanced, and assessment performance is improved. People Learning utilises a Trainer Competency Framework.
3.4.3. Diversity
As course participants’ diverse needs have got more recognized, trainers and all academic staff at People Learning are advised to differentiate teaching, learning and assessment strategies and tasks to identify learning needs and use them to cater for specific needs (refer to the Equal Opportunities Policy). This corroborates with the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE, 2015) and Malta Referencing Report (2016). Educators should use assessment to develop the learners’ potential in different perspectives. Basically, educators at People Learning are always advised to use the information obtained to adapt teaching to the needs of the course participants and to change the traditional form of assessment to a more learner-centred and formative one.
3.4.4. Online and Blended Courses
People Learning offers online/blended courses since it believes in the strengths online/blended learning which lie in course participant empowerment, flexibility, accommodation, customization, collaboration, and creation. Course participants are empowered through online/blended learning since; Subject to copyright restrictions they are able to access materials whenever and wherever they want and this allows course participants to learn in a way in which they are successful; and they can make choices on how to explore content, which is accommodating to different learning styles. People Learning employs a participant centred learning paradigm with course participants using online learning by applying research-based pedagogical techniques through effective incorporation of various online learning tools. Trainers who are live streaming are encouraged to prepare themselves properly for using this medium and to be familiar with the technologies and tools at their disposal
3.4.5. Extenuating Circumstances
People Learning recognises that course participants may suffer from a sudden illness or other serious and unforeseen event or set of circumstances which adversely affects their ability to complete an assessment or the results they obtain for an assessment. In such cases either an alternative course may be offered on recovery and if the course is regulated by an external awarding body the case is referring to that body in line with the relevant extenuating circumstance of that body. These regulations are designed to ensure the fair and consistent treatment of all course participants. People Learning also recognizes that situations may arise when a course participant may want to voluntarily interrupt his or her trainining.
3.4.6. Recognition of Prior Learning
People Learning recognises and accounts for prior learning. Through this process credit is awarded for learning undertaken prior to the commencement of a course offered by People Learning or learning completed together with, but not a part of People Learning’s courses for which a course participant has applied or is registered .
3.5. Admission, Course Bookings, Enrollment
All booked participants have the opportunity of a pre course briefing to ensure that have selected the right course at the right level for them prior to committing. There are various payment methods available to cater for all needs.
3.6. The Academic Staff/Trainers
People Learning strongly encourages the academic staff/trainers to be aware of up-to-date teaching and learning methodologies as well as of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities. While trainers do need to keep abreast with updates and development in their own specific fields of expertise, they are also expected at the same time to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching and learning approaches as well as managerial and leadership skills in an academic setting. People Learning firmly believes that CPD in its broadest sense encompasses all those activities that help academic staff/trainers to improve their capacity to become more effective instructors, as well as perform other parts of their multifaceted tasks. People Learning is therefore committed to provide academic staff/trainers with regular CPD opportunities such as in-house workshops, discussions with other professionals in their field, attending and presenting in seminars and conferences (local and abroad), participating in accredited and non-accredited courses (local and abroad), phase sessions, yearly INSET organised by People Learning etc. Academic staff/trainers are strongly encouraged to make use of the physical and online libraries through which a vast range of journals, eBooks and case studies can be accessed. All academic staff/trainers should be committed to continuous improvement.
3.7. Research
People Learning’s academic staff/trainers are encouraged to conduct action research, which enhances People Learning’s high reputation, as a research-led institution. Publication of articles in refereed journals is also highly encouraged. People Learning recognises that research and education go hand-in-hand. Teaching staff can improve their practices by taking the time to conduct research. Research can help teaching staff to understand what works and why, what the short and long-term implications are, provide a justification and rationale for decisions and actions, help to build a repertoire to help deal with the unexpected, identify problems. People Learning is liaising with the Research Department within the Ministry for Education and Employment to access all the research being held within compulsory education.
3.8. Resources
People Learning administers its resources in an ethical manner and assures effective systems of enterprise risk management, regulatory compliance, internal controls, and contingency management. People Learning is equipped with all the necessary learning facilities and resources including; a physical library with new books added regularly; a virtual library through which a vast range of journals, eBooks and case studies can be accessed; wireless internet access which is available at People Learning and at our centre a Whiteboard and an All- in-One computer, projectors or Smart TVs which are available in each lecture room. People Learning’s facilities are constructed and maintained in accordance with legal requirements to ensure access, safety, security, and a healthy environment with consideration for environmental and ecological concerns. Our online platform is currently based on fully licenced corporate access to Microsoft Teams which includes full shared integration with presentation software such as PowerPoint and the full Office Suite, full video, audio, blurring, recording facilities for participants depending on security level, a virtual whiteboard, document repository, online chat etc.
Course participants also have access to trainers/ tutors via email which can be an effective means to providing support. Support and guidance to course participants is also provided by the Principal.
As indicated previously, People Learning employs qualified personnel to fulfil its mission. People Learning’s policies provide for the fair redress of grievances. Terms of employment/ engagement (the majority of our faculty are independent freelancers allowing is to engage “best if breed” specialists as and when needed) are clear, and compensation is adequate to ensure that the institution can attract and retain qualified administrators, employees, and staff. People Learning employs effective procedures for the regular evaluation of all personnel. People Learning ensures sufficient opportunities for continuous professional development for administrators, employees, and staff.
People Learning is a learning community committed to fostering intellectual inquiry in a climate of academic freedom and integrity. Its trainers/facilitators are expected to uphold these principles and to exhibit tolerance and respect for others. Accordingly, People Learning condemns all forms of misconduct and works incessantly to assure that its course participants are accorded tolerance, dignity and respect. In case of serious matters such as when the course participant feels that there has been a breach of protocol, acts of discrimination or unfair treatment by training and/or administrative staff, cases are brought to People Learning’s Principal (or an independent board set up if the Principal has a conflict of interest (eg he or she is directed involved in the delivery of the course in question) who assesses the case and decides a plan of action. The course participant may be called to appear before the Principal (or Board) at some stage during the investigation.
People Learning is continuously updating its policies to take into consideration all course participants’ needs in order to ensure that every course participant is academically successful and personally fulfilled and that no discrimination and/or difficulties are encountered especially by vulnerable groups such as course participants with disabilities.
People Learning demonstrates the effectiveness of its policies and procedures in ensuring the reliability of its technology systems, the integrity and security of data, and the privacy of individuals. People Learning establishes and applies clear policies and procedures and monitors and responds to illegal or inappropriate uses of its technology systems and resources. It regularly updates planning and recovery policies and procedures.
3.9. Information management
Information about course participant population which are already in employment including prevalence of vulnerable groups, their participation, retention and completion and the information gathered is used to improve courses and programmes. As a responsible institution, People Learning believes it has a duty to follow-up promptly on matters of non-attendance so that course participants can be supported and given every opportunity to succeed. People Learning, for its part, will continue to build excellence in tuition practice and course participant engagement across the institution on premise and on-line in order to provide a friendly and welcoming learning community.
In order to collect information about course participant satisfaction, People Learning has introduced mid-course feedback sessions for longer courses where course participants have the opportunity to give feedback about their course. Mid-Course participant feedback is very important to People Learning as it is an assessment technique designed to elicit formative feedback from course participants during the course, when it can be acted on to improve the course and course participants’ learning. Gathering course participant feedback at mid-course is optimal for People Learning to get the pulse of the course - to find out what course participants are thinking about the trainers, the course material, and their own learning - when it is not too late to make adjustments if necessary. Course participants’ appreciate the Trainers’ concern about their learning and the opportunity to express their responses to the course. Through these reviews People Learning’s professional learning programmes/courses will continue to offer course participants learning experiences that are transformational, inspiring, and intellectually challenging.
3.10. Public information
Information on selection criteria, main objectives, learning outcomes, MQF level, total hours of learning, (if we launch degree and diploma courses- we will also provide information on the European Credit Transfer System or ECTS) , teaching methodologies, assessment procedures and suggested readings are included in every study unit/module description available on People Learning’s website. E-Mail Circulars are also sent to all educators to inform them about all People Learning’s courses.
All professional learning programmes/courses are weighed in terms of ECTS (where this is relevant as would not apply to many of out short courses) and are in full accordance with the Malta Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework. Mid-Course Feedback Sessions (for longer courses only) and course participant questionnaires mentioned previously are used to verify that the actual workload is in accordance with that indicated in the description in order to ensure that the professional learning programmes/courses are fully in compliance with their accreditation by the NCFHE.
3.11. On-going monitoring and review of courses
To ensure the effective implementation of its quality management system, People Learning for Education adopts the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ Quality Cycle approach. People Learning implements this cycle by; planning the required changes through setting of strategic and quality objectives, design and development of accredited learning programmes and development of course participant support services (Plan); making the changes (Do); checking through the analysis of results of strategic objectives, internal and external feedback, internal and external auditing and management review whether the implemented changes have the desired effect (Check or study); and institutionalising the changes (Act).
Figure 2: The Plan, Do, Check, Act Quality Cycle Approach

People Learning reviews courses periodically (some every 3 months such as Search Engine Optimisation courses as there are regular changes, some every six months and some every 12 moinths) to be in line with any updates (eg Payroll) and educational needs. The course participants’ feedback is taken into consideration as part of the review process. Feedback is analysed by People Learning’s directors . Training Needs Analysis and Development Plans are also taken into consideration when designing and reviewing the course. People Learning ensures that the courses are at an acceptable standard in terms of content, progression and delivery, that the assessment system (on courses where there are assessments) is fair and is operated equitably, and that the awards are of an appropriate standard, nationally and internationally. Through these reviews People Learning’s courses will continue to offer course participants learning experiences that are transformational, inspiring, and intellectually challenging.
4. External Quality Assurance (EQA) System
People Learning on applicable courses programmes will submit to NCHFE recommendations, policies and guidelines regarding external quality assurance so that People Learning meets national expectations for the quality of the course participant experience.
People Learning’s framework for managing academic quality and standards is informed by the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015). The EQA ensures that People Learning is compliant with relevant national regulations, whilst providing vital external insight on the effectiveness of its IQA procedures. The EQA may be at institution or at programme level.
People Learning’s EQA process serves as a tool for development and accountability towards stakeholders. It is developmental as it gives providers access to independent data and recommendations to promote excellence. It also ensures accountability to stakeholders, including course participants and employers, and the fulfilment of national goals in further, higher and adult formal education. People Learning ensures that the internal quality management system is:
- Fit for purpose according to courses and service users;
- Compliant with standards and regulations and contributing to the development of a national quality culture;
- Contributing to the fulfilment of the broad goals of Malta’s Education Strategy 2014- 2024,
- Implemented with effectiveness, comprehensiveness and sustainability.
Source: National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015), NCFHE, Ministry for Education and Employment, Malta.
5. Roles and Responsibilities in Quality Assurance
5.1. The Chief Executive Officer/Principal (also a Company Director)
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for:
- Being responsible for the executive and administrative affairs and the organisation of People Learning;
- Being responsible for the administrative control of its officers and its employees;
- Implement the function of People Learning;
- Developing strategies, policy and regulations required for the implementation of the purposes of People Learning;
- Providing information and give advice to People Learning on any matter.
5.2. Senior Manager Quality Assurance (currently role is also taken by Principal/ CEO)
The Senior Manager Quality Assurance is responsible for:
- Assisting in the preparation and delivery of People Learning’s strategic and business plans to achieve People Learning’s objectives while monitoring the strategic and operational plans of People Learning within approved budgets;
- Identifying general efficiency gains leading to identifiable cost savings in the quality assurance process;
- Ensuring that People Learning develops appropriate measures and procedures to ensure institutional and financial probity;
- Developing a quality assurance policy including all regulations and procedures required for the implementation of high quality professional development by People Learning; Such policy is made public and forms part of the strategic management.
- Preparing clear, accurate, objective, up-to-date information related to quality assurance policy which is eventually is made accessible to the general public on People Learning website;
- Establishing verification processes and regulations and follow such regulations to ensure learning programmes reach high quality standards;
- Examining yearly the fitness for purpose and effectiveness of the internal quality assurance processes;
- Examining the regulatory compliance of People Learning;
- Review the organisational performance of People Learning for QA;
- Establishing priorities for quality improvement to ensure that Institute’s mission is successfully achieved;
- Developing and monitor the implementation of People Learning’s QA Policy through the establishment and monitoring of quality standards and practices, the coordination of self-reviews, peer reviews in line with the NCFHE Internal Quality Assurance Standards;
- Publishing an annual report on the previous academic year;
- Monitoring the implementations of recommendations included in internal and external quality assurance audits;
- Promoting a quality culture among Institute staff while building capacity on quality assurance among both staff and participants;
- Developing strategies for the implementation of the objectives of People Learning;
- Regulating and generally supervise the work of People Learning in accordance with national and international requirements and standards;
- Keeping updated with international developments and translate such knowledge into ideas and projects that further improve the work of People Learning;
- Liaising with NCFHE for accreditation of learning programmes at appropriate MQF levels;
- Seeking standardisation and simplification in all procedures related to People Learning;
- Ensuring that all learning programmes are developed and delivered using a variety of methodologies and assessment tools to ensure a learner centred approach;
- Establishing and monitoring structures for the admission, progression, recognition and certification of participants into learning programmes according to the predefined and published regulations;
- Assuring the competence and effectiveness of People Learning teaching staff by monitoring that the teaching staff has the competences as required by the validated learning programme and establishing feedback procedures during and after every learning programme;
- Organizing and manage a diverse range of assignments and projects with high efficiency, yet thorough attention to detail and follow through;
- Handling sensitive and confidential information appropriately and with discretion;
- Analysing and synthesize data from a wide variety of sources, and present the resulting information in a clear summary.
5.3. Accounts and Administration Associate
The Accounts and Administration Associate is responsible for:
- Assisting in the preparation and delivery of People Learning’s strategic and business plans to achieve People Learning’s objectives while monitoring the strategic and operational plans of People Learning within approved budgets;
- Identifying general efficiency gains leading to identifiable cost savings in collaboration with the Principal/ CEO and directors;
- Ensuring that People Learning develops appropriate measures and procedures to ensure institutional and financial probity;
- Developing a manual of procedures including all regulations and procedures required for the efficient implementation of high quality professional development by People Learning together with the Operations Director;
- Examining the regulatory compliance of People Learning for Education together with the Principal/ CEO;
- Reviewing the organisational performance of People Learning together with Director;
- Establishing priorities for greater efficiency;
- Providing instructional leadership to department managers;
- Developing and implementing People Learning's strategic plan;
- Reviewing administrative policy;
- Developing and implement budgets;
- Preparing financial reports;
- Motivating staff;
- Implementing the recommendations included in internal and external quality assurance audits;
- Promoting a quality culture among People Learning staff while building capacity on administration and finance among staff;
- Seeking standardisation and simplification in all procedures related to People Learning;
- Handle sensitive and confidential information appropriately and with discretion;
- Analysing and synthesizing data from a wide variety of sources, and present the resulting information in a clear summary;
- Maintaining contact with the Chief Executive Officer by giving regular updates on the activities related to quality assurance and make proposals that enable People Learning to achieve better performance and improve accountability.
- Defining standards, policies, procedures, measures and enhancements to support People Learning in achieving its financial goals effectively.
- Assessing the benefits of all prospective contracts and advise the Chief Executive Officer and involved stakeholders on programmatic design and implementation matters.
- Leading in the planning and preparation of the annual budget of the Authority.
- Formulating financial targets and budgets in accordance with the strategy set out in People Learning’s Business Plan.
- Providing direction and leadership to the finance unit.
- Ensuring that People Learning’s financial functions are managed according to legislation, policies, procedures, financial regulations and international accounting standards.
- Establishing and maintain policies and procedures directed towards having a stable cash flow.
- Ensuring the provision of timely, complete and accurate information and reports to assist management in effective decision making and sound strategic planning.
- Taking ownership of relevant financial and business risks.
- Overseeing all purchasing and payroll activity.
- Develop and implement strong internal controls in all aspects pertaining to financial management, risk management and asset control.
- Developing and maintaining systems of internal controls to safeguard financial assets of the organization.
- Being responsible for procurement.
- Supervising the compilation and preparation of People Learning’s financial statements and reports.
- Developing and assisting in the development of financial plans, forecasts and other finance
related areas including the gathering, interpretation and preparation of data for reports and recommendations.
- Ensuring that all financial activities are directed towards sustainability.
- Monitoring banking activities of People Learning.
- Scrutinising cases that do not fall within the scope of approved policy and procedures, and recommending appropriate action to management;
- Advising management on operational requirements;
- Dealing with specific queries and complaints;
- Creating and maintaining databases;
- Compiling, drafting and proofreading documents for the consideration of management;
- Attending meetings to support management as required;
- Acting as secretary to boards, committees, commissions and be required to write reports, to keep minutes and to deal with correspondence
- Ensuring the smooth day to day conduct of business;
- Supporting People Learning in the management of financial and administrative management;
- Providing input in the preparation and the formulation of People Learning’s business plan and the implementation of such plan;
- Ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the management of People Learning’s budget;
- Ensure that records and statistics related to People Learning are accurate and up to date, as required by the CEO;
- Ensuring timely processing of financial records linked to projects partly financed through EU structural and other programme funds.
- Ensuring compliance with financial and procurement regulations;
- Formulating accurate specifications in connection with calls for quotations/tenders for the procurement of services and goods, in full observance of the relevant government legislation, financial procedures and policies;
- Being responsible to monitor quotations, LPOs, invoices and contracts for ensuring correct payment to People Learning and also correct payment to suppliers;
- Being responsible in following up any government LPOs and commitments and making sure all documentation required is provided;
- Ensuring People Learning is fully equipped and regularly resourced.
- Providing continuous support to People Learning’s administration to update the inventory database in line with the accrual accounting inventory system and eFinance;
- Conducting school and college inspections and checking inventory updates;
- Supervising and recording transfer lists of inventory items from schools and sections within the education departments and MEDE and recording them in the relative inventory databases;
- Updating electronic equipment and other inventory databases for insurance purposes.
5.4. Operations Director
The Operations Director is responsible for:
- Assisting the Principal/ CEO and Accounts and Administration Associate in the coordination and preparation of People Learning’s Annual Financial Estimates and conduct preliminary analysis of estimate proposals while assisting in the setting of the strategic direction and the administration of People Learning’s Budget.
- Assisting in the preparation and delivery of People Learning’s strategic and business plans to achieve People Learning’s objectives.
- Developing a short, medium and long term schedule for courses to be developed by People Learning, for approval by the board of directors
- Co-ordinating the development of different college/school/entity based national and international programmes of continuing professional development to be offered by People Learning in line with national educational policies and targets, college/ school/entity development planning and active labour market policies after a training needs analysis is held.
- Identifying opportunities for the development of new learning programmes and initiatives in response to identified needs in educational service provision at each level and co-ordinate the development of such programmes while liaising with NCFHE for the accreditation of such training programmes.
- In conjunction with the Principal- Identifying potential international partners to take part in international projects and liaise with NCHFE EU Programme Implementation for the development of projects that include CPD and go through the process of accreditation with NCFHE
- Assisting in the costing of proposed national and international projects.Board approval required
- Holding regular meetings and communication with local learning programmes developers, experts in areas required for professional development and/or project partners’ organisations;
- In conjunction with the Principal using data generated through TNA and learner feedback to inform planning of the continuing professional development;
- Developing a structure that provides all the required information about the courses/sessions to participants or prospective participants as per Internal Quality Assurance document of the NCFHE.
- Together with the Principal/ CEO - Being the contact person for international projects and liaise with international partners and/or European Union Programmes Agency for all requirement of the effective and efficient implementation of the project. This can include: organising meetings and co-ordinating work related to the implementation of learning outputs while assisting in all the project procurement procedures and contractual obligations, ensuring that awarded projects are implemented in line with project regulations, ensuring adherence to public procurement regulations when participating in public tenders, publicity requirements, reporting requirements and any other regulations of relevance to the project. effectively communicating training support/project’s deliverables in a timely and clear fashion and track project milestones and deliverables of the project and oversee quality control throughout the project life-cycle; drafting and delivering progress reports, and any required documentation on the commitment of expenditures and performance of the project;
- Assisting the Principal/ CEO in Managing information resources, including identification and selection of sources of information for the purpose of background reading, course-ware development, research, and provide concrete recommendations for the development of courses and toolkits and for the development of online digital courses.
- Assisted by People Learning Digital Marketing and Back Office Associate Populating, organizing, and maintaining information files and shared information systems, both electronic and paper.
- Showing initiative in identifying new sources of information, as they become necessary and/or available.
- Liaising with other bodies concerning the supply of data and the coordination of activities with implications relevant to People Learning;
- Assisting Principal/ CEO in keeping updated with international developments through following the published literature, attendance of relevant conferences, training sessions and workshops and networking with peers to transmit such knowledge to the team within People Learning and to the educational community, and translate such knowledge into ideas and projects that further improve the work of People Learning;
- Ensuring that information sessions are organised as required with a view to ascertaining that all stakeholders of People Learning are fully informed and conversant with regulations, procedures and policies pertaining to People Learning.
- Keeping well informed and up-to-date on all matters in all areas related to national and international projects, and on any national or international obligations affecting this area.
- Maintaining contact with the Chief Executive Officer by giving regular updates on the activities of national and international projects and advise the Chief Executive Officer on any matter they may refer to him/her or on any matter which he/she considers necessary or expedient
5.5. Human Resources Manager (performed currently by Principal/ CEO)
The Human Resources Manager is responsible for:
- Assisting in the preparation and delivery of People Learning’s strategic and business plans to achieve People Learning’s objectives while monitoring the strategic and operational plans of People Learning within approved budgets;
- Developing procedures including all regulations pertaining to the area of HR required for the efficient implementation of high quality professional development by People Learning;
- Promoting healthy relationships between trainers, employees and management through mediation, handling disputes and working through employee issues in a constructive manner.
- Conducting employee training and orientation, administer any benefits, analyse compensation and other competitive data and prepare budgets;
- Maintaining administrative personnel by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees; maintaining a safe and secure work environment; developing personal growth opportunities;
- Accomplishing team results by communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; coaching, counselling, and disciplining employees; initiating, coordinating, and enforcing systems, policies, and procedures;
- Providing communication systems by identifying needs; evaluating options; maintaining equipment; approving invoices;
- Completing special projects by organizing and coordinating information and requirements; planning, arranging, and meeting schedules; monitoring results;
- Providing historical reference by developing and utilising filing and retrieval systems;
- Improving programme and service quality by devising new applications; updating procedures; evaluating system results with users;
- Achieving financial objectives by anticipating requirements; submitting information for budget preparation; scheduling expenditures; monitoring costs; analysing variances;
- Maintaining continuity among work teams by documenting and communicating actions, irregularities, and continuing needs;
- Maintaining professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, benchmarking professional standards; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks;
- Contributing to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed;
- Liasing with Directors regarding HR costs and activities.
- Mitigating risk by keeping organisations compliant with local labour laws and regulations while staying on top of all applicable labour legislation, as well as the shifting needs of the employers and employees.
- Supervising staff, payroll, wellness plans, recruitment and placement specialists and training and development personnel;
- Assisted by the Accounts And Administration Associate- Collecting and analysing employee data and maintain accurate and complete employee records;
- Implementing the recommendations included in internal and external quality assurance audits;
- Promoting a quality culture among People Learning personnel while building capacity on administration and finance among staff;
- Seeking standardisation and simplification in all procedures related to People Learning;
- Handling sensitive and confidential information appropriately and with discretion and statistics pertaining to Human Resources;
- Maintaining contact with the Chief Executive Officer by giving regular updates on the activities related to quality assurance and make proposals that enable People Learning to achieve better performance and improve accountability.
5.6. Training Centre Administrator (Currently Performed by Operations Directoe and Principal / CEO jointly)
The Training Centre Administrator is responsible for:
- Liaising with learners and professionals as required and collect periodic feedback as required;
- Ensuring that the lectures start and finish on time;
- Ensuring that the venue online or on premise is well organised and prepared for the courses;
- Checking any assesements and assignments and examination are all well organized, resourced, booked etc. ;
- Cooperating with the team to develop time tables for courses;
- Ensuring order and discipline and promoting a healthy relationship between the trainers, employess and the learners;
- Offering professional organisational support to the trainers;
- Monitoring the Centre’s cleanliness and seeing to the proper maintenance and servicing of the centre’s building, facilities and equipment;
- Preparing annual development plans for the Centre in cooperation with the staff and the learning community;
- Supporting the auditing process of course participants’ files and/or projects;
- Ensuring that data entry is completed accurately and within the required timescale;
- Keeping a detailed inventory of the Centre and its resources and amenities according to prescribed regulations;
- Being proactive in matters relating to health and safety;
- Developing and improving systems to enhance provision;
- Undertaking information gathering, e.g. attendance recording, data input, etc.
- Collecting any material from trainers which requires uploading and liaise with the Directors/ ICT/ Digital Marketing and Back Office Assistant for such material;
- Assisting Principal/ CEO Managing and analysing course participants’ feedback to elicit a report which includes recommendations;
- Ensuring that People Learning’s policies and procedures, as well as other policies and provisions communicated by the authorities are adhered to;
- Developing systems for recording and reporting as required;
- Participating fully in creative meetings and discussions towards development;
- Responding to system and organisational changes as required;
- Working statistics for each course;
- Adhering to set budgets when purchasing equipment or services, e.g. booking activities for learners;
- Obtaining a selection of quotes when purchasing equipment or services, analyse data, make recommendations;
- Reporting on spending;
- Coordinating any quotes for purchasing equipment, maintenance, services, etc.
- Ensuring all expenses are authorised;
- Complying with the finance policy in relation to petty cash and expenses procedures.
5.7. System Administrator (currently performed by the Principal/ CEO)
The System Administrator is responsible for:
- Participating in technical research and development to enable continuing innovation within the infrastructure;
- Ensuring that system hardware, operating systems, software systems, and related procedures adhere to organisational values, enabling staff and Partners;
- Being accountable for the systems used at People Learning for Education. Responsibilities on these systems include operations and support, maintenance and research and development to ensure continual innovation.
- Developing and maintaining installation and configuration procedures;
- Contributing to and maintaining system standards;
- Researching and recommending innovative, and where possible automated approaches for system administration tasks;
- Performing daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups;
- Performing regular security monitoring to identify any possible intrusions;
- Performing daily backup operations, ensuring all required file systems and system data are successfully backed up to the appropriate media, recovery tapes or disks are created, and media is recycled and sent off site as necessary;
- Performing regular file archival and purge as necessary;
- Upgrading and configure system software that supports online courses delivery
- Maintaining operational, configuration, or other procedures;
- Performing periodic performance reporting to support capacity planning;
- Performing ongoing performance tuning, hardware upgrades, and resource optimisation as required.
- Configuring CPU, memory, and disk partitions as required;
- Maintaining data centre environmental and monitoring equipment.
- Assisting in the preparation and delivery of People Learning’s strategic and business plans to achieve People Learning’s objectives while monitoring the strategic and operational plans of People Learning within approved budgets;
- Assisting trainers in the development of online courses;
- Assisting in the development of blended courses, webinars, forums etc. ;
- Identifying general efficiency gains leading to identifiable cost savings in collaboration with the Senior Manager Quality Assurance;
- Ensuring that People Learning develops appropriate measures and procedures to ensure institutional and financial probity;
- Developing a manual of procedures including all regulations and procedures required for the efficient implementation of high quality professional development by People Learning for Education;
- Examining the regulatory compliance of People Learning;
- Establishing priorities for greater efficiency;
- Providing instructional leadership to department managers;
- Developing and implementing People Learning's strategic plan virtually;
- Implementing the recommendations included in internal and external quality assurance audits;
- Promoting a quality culture while building capacity;
- Seeking standardisation and simplification in all procedures related to People Learning;
- Handling sensitive and confidential information appropriately and with discretion.
5.8. Course Co-ordinators (role currently performed jointly by Principal/ CEO and Operations Director)
The Course Co-ordinator is responsible for:
- Ensuring the course modules developed by the learning programme development experts are cohesive and complimentary to each other and that the pedagogy and assessment used is in line with People Learning’s policies and People Learning Trainer Competency Framework;
- The administration, smooth running of the course, maintaining all records of the course and liaising People Learning Administration team;
- Developing time-tables, sending documents and communicating with trainers and course participants, inputting of attendance, adherence to policies, informing course participants of results;
- Ensuring trainers and course participants adhere to deadlines for submission of any assessment tasks; psychometric assessments etc. ;
- Co-ordinating of practice placement and/ or internships;
- Collecting and analysing feedback.
5.9. Academic Staff/Trainers
The Academic Staff/Trainers are responsible for:
- Using approaches to timely assessment and feedback that foster independent, reflective learning;
- Gathering course participant feedback on their learning programme via the feedback form each time a learning programme runs;
- Tracking each course participant’s progress against the planned learning and assessment activities, report progress to the Principal/CEO and intervene where necessary to ensure every course participant is on track to achieve;
- Analysing course participant performance data, each time a learning programme runs, via the completion of a Course Evaluation Form;
- Analysing course participant and external feedback on their learning programme, each time a learning programme runs, via the completion of a Course Evaluation Form;
- Making themselves aware of People Learning’s Trainer Competence Framework and adhering to it;
- Adjusting their teaching methods and/or learning programmes in the light of these and other sources of information relating to learning and teaching quality;
- Committing to their own learning through self-reflection, review and evaluation of their teaching, through a range of methods, including course participant feedback.
5.10. Course Participants
The Course Participants are responsible for:
- Engaging actively in the learning process and participate according to assessment requirements;
- Providing considered, honest and timely feedback to People Learning and its team on the quality of teaching and Institute services
- Completing assessment tasks diligently and honestly to provide evidence of learning outcomes;
- Meeting assessment requirements as specified in the course outline, including submission of work by the due date;
- Consulting People Learning as early as possible about any disability issues;
- Discussing any concerns they have regarding their progress in coursework and assessment as early as possible with relevant trainers, and the Principal;
- Consulting with the trainer (in the first instance) and Principal, if personal circumstances are affecting participation or performance in assessment;
- On assessed programmes- Raising any concerns they may have regarding the marks for each assessment task promptly, rather than wait until the final grade is awarded in the unit;
- Accessing and abiding by all policies, procedures and regulations relating to assessment, plagiarism, copy right, health and safety etc . and seek clarification, where necessary.
6. References
Legal Notice 243 of 2017
Malta Referencing Report (2016) NCFHE, Ministry for Education and Employment, Malta.
National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education (2015), NCFHE, Ministry for Education and Employment, Malta.
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) (2015), Brussels, Belgium.