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Policy for the Recognition of Prior Learning

                                 People & Co – People Learning

Ta’ Xbiex Malta



Document Name

Policy for the Recognition of Prior Learning


 April 2024






Table of Contents

1. Introduction to People &Co - People Learning’s policy on Recognition of Prior Learning……2

2. Assessing RPL and the Application Process….………………………………………………………………….…. 5

3. Types of Evidence……………………………….……………………………………………………………………..……....  7

4. Support for Students/ Learners………..……………………………………….…...................................8

5. How People Learning Assesses RPL claims………………………………………….………………………….…...10

6. Outcomes of the.................................................................................................................11

Completing and Documenting the RPL process.................................................................12

8. RPL Annual Internal Review Process......................................................................................13

Appendix 1 – People Learning RPL Process Algorithm Flowchart..............................................14

Appendix 2 – RPL Application Template.....................................................................................15


Introduction to People &Co People Learning’s policy on Recognition of Prior Learning


  1. What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

The RPL process recognises the skills and knowledge gained through previous education, training programs, on-the-job training, professional development activities, work (paid and unpaid), and life experiences. The RPL would replace the entry requirements for the course. All of the documents that make up People & Co’s RPL Policy will be available and easily accessible on the website.


  1. What programmes of study is the RPL applicable for?

MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Payroll Administration

MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Train the Trainer

MQF/EQF Level 4 Award in Fashion Design

MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Human Resources Foundations

MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Fashion Design

MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Sustainable Fashion

Newly accredited MQF/EQF Level rated courses will also fall under this scheme once new courses are rolled out in the coming year.

  1. Common Questions about the RPL process

 How long does this process take?
We suggest that the RPL application found at the end of this document is submitted two months prior to the start date of the Award of study. 

What does this cost?
The RPL application is €100.

What do prospective students need to submit?
The RPL application form as well as a checklist for the evidence needed to be submitted can be found at the end of this document.

What types of evidence will be accepted?
All evidence is listed on page 9.

What happens if the submission fails?
The RPL assessors will give prospective students a signed document stating why the submission failed and suggestions for the way forward.



  1. Criteria for RPL


any evidence provided should be appropriately matched to the learning outcomes of the new programme of study.


Any evidence provided should be sufficient in demonstrating the achievement of the learning outcomes claimed.


methods will be put in place to ensure that any evidence presented is the candidate’s own learning including any certificates produced. Consideration will be given as to whether the candidate will be asked to produce any additional authentication from other sources.


Any evidence provided should demonstrate learning that reflects current practice in the field of study.



 Assessing RPL and the Application Process

                                                    i.     Orientation to the RPL process

Students may request RPL by submitting the RPL application form found in the appendix’s page  via email to registration@peoplelearning.edu.mt.

Types of evidence is discussed in section 3 starting on page .During this process, students will be assigned an RPL Advisor who will work with the student to make sure that their RPL will meet the criteria for the application. Once the student submits their application, they will be contacted by People Learning and assigned a lead person to assist them through the RPL Process. The cost for the RPL application is €100.


                                                   ii.     An RPL is awarded on the basis of

1)     Sufficiency to demonstrate the achievement of the learning claimed.

2)     Authenticity in relation to the applicant’s own efforts and achievements.

3)     Relevancy to the level of the course and it’s learning outcomes.


                                                  iii.     Timing of the RPL application

The RPL application should be submitted together with the student application form. The students/applicants should have all of their evidence collected when they submit their application. The RPL assessment procedure can take up three weeks to be completed.


  1. People Learning reserves the right to terminate an application for RPL if the applicant is found to have omitted relevant facts or information in connection with their application or who has falsified or plagiarised any part of their application.


  1. Who is responsible for processing RPL claims?

The Director of People Learning – People & Co, David Cutajar, is responsible for assessing the evidence for the claim for the MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Human Resources Management Foundations and the MQF/EQF Level 5 Train the Trainer Award.  Maria Cutajar(aka Maria Manzoni) will be responsible for all MQF/EQF Awards in Fashion. Mr Noel Agius will be responsible for the MQF/EQF Level 5 Award in Payroll Administration. This will be done in a fair and consistent manner and cognisance of the MQF levels and other key reference points will be taken into account. Decisions taken within the assessment process are carefully and clearly recorded to ensure consistency of approach and to provide transparency of the process. Each Award will follow the same checklist to determine the outcome of the RPL claim.


The Assessor should:

• Define the assessment criteria for the claim, based on the module and/or programme learning outcomes.

 • Assess the submitted evidence against the defined criteria.

• Recommend, record and report the outcome of the assessment process within the required time-scale of three weeks.

• Notify the Student/ Learner of the outcome of the assessment of the claim.

The assessment will be based on the MFHEA Guidelines:

“Institutions should use the Level Descriptors of the MQF as per the Referencing Report of 2016 to determine the level of the evidence that is submitted to provide a basis to then assess and compare the volume or depth of learning that can be awarded at component and programme level. The learning outcomes of the programme of study where the claim for RPL is being assessed against must also be used to determine the match of evidence.”


The RPL process algorithm flowchart can be found in the appendices on page 14.


The Process for making an RPL claim

Step 1: Complete the attached RPL application form.

Step 2: Prepare evidence and organise it logically in the submission.

Step 3: Students must submit the application form and evidence along with a written essay to talk the assessor through the journey of previous certificated learning and experience, matched to the learning outcomes of the course. The student is then invoiced the amount of €100 for the application claim.

Step 4: Interview process is carried out with the assessor.

Step 5: Results of the application will be given to the prospective student, where they may contest or resubmit more evidence to support the application.

Step 5: The student will be eligible to apply for the next MQF/EQF Award intake.


An application for an RPL claim should be submitted 2 months prior to the start of an MQF/EQF Level rated course. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis. Once a full application documenting the claim has been received, the applicant should receive the decision within three weeks.


Note: RPL cannot be used for exemptions from part of a module.


Types of Evidence

People Learning will accept documents that provide supporting evidence towards the students’ claims for RPL. When applicable, please provide contact details of referees who can comment on the students/learner’s achievements. Only PDF documents will be accepted.


Evidence of informal learning that will be accepted include:

• Any other Qualifications in the field of study or relevant. 
• Certificates of attendance on related courses
• CV/resume and work history
• Key responsibilities and proof in previous in employment
• Competence and achievements in previous employment or internship/ apprenticeship.
• Membership of relevant professional associations
• Hobbies/interests/special skills outside work
• References/letters from previous employers/supervisors
• Workplace agreements and contracts to support evidence of claims

During the RPL process students/ learners must:

• Ensure all information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge; and

• Provide information using a statutory declaration from previous employers to show evidence of work experience.



Support for Students / Learners


During the RPL process, the student/learner will be given guidance in order to support their application. They will be allocated a member of staff (advisor) who will discuss with the student their RPL evidence to see if it would meet the criteria as stated in the College policies.

The RPL Advisor will make certain that the student is aware of the following:

• The RPL policy and the application process.

• support documents available to assist during the application process.

• guide on the timeline for the process.

• guidance available for assisting the candidate in matching their evidence with programme of study learning outcomes.




RPL Student Guidance

These guidelines will give an idea of the types of evidence students/ learners need to gain an RPL.


  1. Do I have the Evidence?
  • Qualifications
  • Certificates of attendance on related courses
  • CV/resume and work history
  • Key responsibilities and proof in previous employment
  • Competence and achievements
  • Membership of relevant professional associations
  • Hobbies/interests/special skills outside work
  • References/letters from previous employers/supervisors
  • Workplace agreements and contractions
  • Structured interview
  • Previous assessments
  • Personal essay to support claims.


  1. Is the evidence valid?

Evidence must be directly relevant and linked to the learning outcomes of the course for which the student is  seeking recognition.

  1. Is the evidence sufficient?

Evidence must demonstrate that students are able to transfer skills across different contexts and over time.


  1. Is the evidence authentic?

Evidence must relate to the prospective student and not to other people. Students may require to have some evidence signed by a supervisor or another qualified person.


  1. Is the evidence current?

Evidence must demonstrate how the student has kept  knowledge and skills up to date with appropriate continuing professional development and practice. This can include courses that are on the CPD register or similar.


  1. What happens if the submission fails?

The RPLassessors will give the students a document stating why the submission failed and suggestions for the way forward.

How People Learning Assesses claims

The process

1.Student will contact People Learning regarding RPL via email on information@peoplelearning.edu.mt

2.The student is allocated an advisor or member of staff to support with the RPL process.

3.The RPL Advisor will work with the students’ evidence to determine if it is appropriate for the level that the student is applying for. If the evidence is appropriate, the RPL Advisor will send the portfolio to the RPL Assessor and the student will be invoiced for €100 application fee.

4.An online interview is carried out with the assessor.

5.The RPL Assessor makes a judgement after reviewing all evidence, checking for authenticity and validity against the learning outcomes of the course or level of programme

6.Results are recorded and added to People Learning’s database.

7. The student is informed on the decision of the RPL Assessor.

8. Progress of student/ learner with successful RPL will be monitored for outcomes.

9.  If the student/ learner was denied RPL, they can resubmit once after they have reviewed the remarks from the RPL Assessor on where their portfolio is deficient.


The RPL Assessor will view the evidence against the following criteria:

• Is it Relevant?

• Is it Sufficient?

• Is it Authentic?

  • Is it Current?


Criteria for RPL Applicants for RPL shall provide the following evidence in English that learning has taken place to demonstrate equivalence. All evidence of learning shall follow the following three criteria:

  1. Relevance - Is there an appropriate match between the evidence presented and the prior learning that the applicant or student is seeking to demonstrate? Is the prior learning specific? Can it be identified and categorised? Was the learning in a context understood by the learner?
  2. Sufficiency-  Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate full achievement of the learning claimed?
  3. Authenticity - Is the evidence valid and reliable? Does it clearly relate to the applicant or student’s own efforts and achievements?
  4. Currency – Is the evidence current? Does it clearly show how the student has kept knowledge and skills up to date?


The students/learners should have all of their evidence collected when they submit their application. The RPL assessment procedure can take up to a three weeks to complete depending on faculty availability. People Learning reserves the right to terminate an application for RPL if the applicant is found to have omitted relevant facts or information in connection with their application or who has falsified or plagiarised any part of their application


Outcomes of the RPL Process

  1. Full acceptance of the claim as entry requirements onto an MQF/EQF level rated course;
  2. A request for resubmission of a claim including further evidence;
  3. Failure of claim with recommendations for alternative paths .
  4. Failure of the claim.

The student will be given a signed letter with the results of the RPL process clearly laid out with the decision of one of the above.

Students will be allowed one reapplication with additional evidence as requested by the RPL Advisor. Additionally, the student will be informed of the procedure and timeline following a successful completion of an RPL claim in terms of entry to the programme of study is clear to the candidate such as the date of the next intake that the candidate would be able to join.


Reapplication Process:

1. Single Reapplication Allowance: Students are granted the opportunity for one reapplication in cases where additional evidence is requested by the RPL Advisor to further support their Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) application.

2. Additional Evidence Request: The RPL Advisor may request supplementary evidence to enhance the completeness and validity of the initial RPL application. The prospective student will be notified of the specific requirements for the reapplication.

3. Deadline for Reapplication: Prospective students must submit the reapplication, along with the additional requested evidence, within thirty (30) days from the date of the RPL Advisor's request.

Appeals Process:

1. Grounds for Appeal: An appeals process is in place to address cases where a prospective student disagrees with the outcome of their RPL application. Grounds for appeal may include procedural irregularities, perceived bias, or the introduction of new, relevant evidence that was not considered during the initial assessment.

2. Filing an Appeal: Prospective students wishing to appeal must submit a written appeal to the registration@peoplelearning.edu.mt within thirty (30) days from the date of receiving the RPL decision. The appeal should clearly state the grounds for contestation and provide supporting documentation.

3. Appeal Fees: A non-refundable appeal fee of Euro 50 is required to process the appeal. This fee covers administrative costs associated with the appeals process.

4. Duration of Appeals Process: The appeals process is designed to be thorough and fair. The Director will strive to complete the appeals process within thirty (30) days keeping the prospective student informed of the progress and outcome.

Distinctions Between Reapplication, Resubmission, and Appeal:

1. Reapplication: A reapplication involves submitting a new application along with additional evidence, as requested by the RPL Advisor, to enhance the initial RPL submission.

2. Resubmission: A resubmission occurs when a prospective student is asked to provide further documentation or clarify specific aspects of their original RPL application without filing an entirely new application.

3. Appeal: An appeal is a formal process initiated by a prospective student who wishes to contest the outcome of their RPL application based on specific grounds. It involves a review of the initial decision and may result in a reassessment or confirmation of the original decision.


Completing and documenting the RPL Process

Once RPL has been granted, the student / learner will be given an RPL report with the following details:

  1. the level awarded
  2. the grounds for resubmissions and appeals
  3. the process for resubmissions and appeals (including timescales)
  4.  the guidance and support that will be provided if a candidate needs to resubmit a claim
  5.  the next steps in the process following a successful claim, including arrangements for entry to the programme of study and timescales


Documenting the Approved RPL on internal records

The approved RPL claim will be recorded into the official student records in People Learning’s database with the following:

       I.          details of the experience

      II.          level given in the RPL process

    III.          date that the RPL was given


Data Protection and retention policy

People & Co is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of all personal and sensitive information provided by applicants during the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process. All information collected will be handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. Prospective students participating in the RPL process may be required to submit personal and academic information. This data will be collected and processed solely for the purpose of evaluating and assessing the RPL application.

By submitting an RPL application, prospective students provide explicit consent for the collection, processing, and storage of their personal data for the duration of the RPL process. Access to this information is restricted to authorized personnel involved in the RPL assessment. Applicant data will be retained for a period of five (5) years following the completion of the RPL process. This retention period allows for any necessary follow-up actions, appeals, or audit requirements.



People Learning Annual Review of the RPL Policy


1. Monitoring Procedures: The monitoring of the overall systems related to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process will be conducted through regular reviews and assessments. This includes but is not limited to the evaluation of application processing, assessment methods, and compliance with established policies.  People Learning will conduct an annual review of all RPL applications and outcomes in order to maintain consistency and appropriate decisions and judgements from the RPL Assessor.

People Learning has developed a checklist with a clear set of criteria for assessors and moderators of RPL claims to use when assessing submissions. People Learning will ask each RPL applicant to create a portfolio of evidence and talk with the assessor through the candidate’s journey of previous certificated and experiential learning and experience which will be matched to learning outcomes in the interview process.


2. Responsibility for Monitoring: The responsibility for monitoring the RPL systems lies with the Director, David Cutajar. David Cutajar will be tasked with overseeing the efficiency, accuracy, and fairness of the RPL procedures. People Learning will use RPL assessors with an academic specialty in the subject area in order that the evidence can be measured against authenticity, making sure that the RPL is sufficient to meet the learning outcomes and that the RPL is relevant and acceptable.

People Learning will ensure that the assessor follows the institutional IQA policies and processes in line with the MFHEA requirements and regulations.


3. Reporting Structures: Regular reports on the monitoring and review activities will be submitted to]. These reports will provide insights into the performance of the RPL systems and highlight any areas that require attention or improvement.

4. Follow-up Actions and Changes: In the event that issues, discrepancies, or areas for improvement are identified during the monitoring process, a systematic approach will be adopted to address these concerns. This may involve implementing corrective actions, updating policies, or providing additional training to staff involved in the RPL process.


5.Training Programs: People & Co recognizes the importance of continuous training and professional development for its staff involved in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process. Efforts will be made to integrate training initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of staff members.

 Specific training programs will be developed and implemented to ensure that staff members are well-equipped with the latest information, best practices, and any changes in RPL policies and procedures.

6. Professional Development Opportunities: Opportunities for professional development, such as workshops, seminars, and conferences, will be explored to keep staff abreast of industry trends, regulatory updates, and advancements in RPL methodologies.

7. Integration into RPL Policy: A dedicated section addressing training and professional development will be incorporated into the RPL Policy and Guidelines to formalize and institutionalize the commitment to staff competency and growth.


APPENDIX 1 People Learning RPL Process Flowchart


People Learning RPL Flowchart


Appendix 2: Student/ Learner Application Form.


People & Co People Learning Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Application Form

Please fill in this form and return, with supporting documentation to information@peoplelearning.edu.mt


Personal Information

First Name(s):




Date of Birth:








ID Number:



Award details applying for

Award Name:


MQF/EQF Level:


Is qualification incorporated within current job role?
if yes – provide details



Details of RPL evidence

(Please ensure you enclose all supporting evidence with your submission. Supporting evidence may consist of: previously obtained certificates, attendance certificates, recent job specifications)


I, the undersigned applicant, acknowledge and understand that the cost for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) application is €100 (Euros). Payment for the RPL application can be made through either direct transfer or PayPal.



Payment Method: Please select your preferred payment method and provide the necessary details:

Direct Transfer

  • Bank Name: Bank of Valletta Plc
  • Account Holder: People Contracting Services Ltd
  • Account Number: 40017804042
  • IBAN: MT77VALL22013000000040017804042
  • Reference: Name and RPL Application


  • PayPal Email Address: maria@people.com.mt

I hereby confirm that I am aware of the €100 RPL application fee and will arrange payment through the selected method. I understand that the RPL process will commence only upon successful receipt of the application fee.

Applicant's Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________


For completion by People&Co People Learning only:

Outcome of RPL claim:  approved / disapproved

Name and signature of Director:  ___

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