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Making your own clothes - Kids

Start Date
07 Aug 2024 , 27 Aug 2024 , 25 Sep 2024
Maria.Cutajar Manzoni Fashion School
2 hours per lesson, 12 lessons
Course Level
7 to 16 years
The desire to sew your own clothes
Certificate of Attendance

The Manzoni Fashion Cubs! 

                  The Club for Young Aspiring Designers!

Present -Making Your Own Clothes. A course dedicated for those who love style and dream about creating their own clothes.

  • 24 hours of hands on fashion workshop
  • Learn how to design and make your own clothes in a fully equipped workshop
  • start working on your garment with actual fabric which fits your size.

Our aim is to develop the skills and fashion garment-making desire which some kids achieve at a very young age. We help them become creative and to blossom in the fashion world. If you are that kid who cannot stop dreaming about clothes, style and fashion, then this course is for you.

Who is it for?

This course is for those kids who love fashion and all they dream about is making their own clothes. Who feel the urge to make original fashion garments. The student will be encouraged to create his/her own clothes. Available from ages 7 Years up. Courses are ON-PREMISE and parental consent forms are required as well as a pre-course screening discussion with parents/ guardians and the young learners.

What is it about?

This course is based mainly on individual tuition.

Students who wish to learn about the processes of fashion design and at the same time, make clothes for themselves and their families. Lessons include sketching, making patterns, cutting the material chosen, sewing process, decoration, and design. This is a fun, informative course that gives an insight into how clothes are made.

You would need to bring fabric. Sewing tools are available.  

Course Schedules

  07 Aug 2024 - 23 Oct 2024 €320.00

  27 Aug 2024 - 12 Nov 2024 €320.00

  25 Sep 2024 - 20 Nov 2024 €320.00

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