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Award in Train The Trainer - MQF/EQF Level 5

Start Date
17 Mar 2025
David Cutajar MSc.
22 Tutor Contact Hours Part-Time 5 Weeks/Evening Sessions
Course Level
MQF/EQF Level 5 - 4 ECTS Certificate
MQF Level 4 or two A-levels. Good command of written and spoken English. Possession of basic IT skills.such as word processor, Microsoft teams, search engines and email.
A Higher Education Programme. Accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority

This course is Accredited by the MFHEA (People and Co - People Learning is Licenced by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) License Number 2013-FHI-009, as a Further and Higher Education Institution)

The main language of Instruction is English.

NB Reviews from previous student learners / alumni are available on request as well as free pre booking guidance. This course also includes a full personality and emotional intelligence assessment and 1-1 feedback as well as careers guidance based on the end of course action plan as a built in for added value. Each course delegate receives course slides and a work book as well as background reading material, a recommended reading list and access to on-line resources. 

Course Introduction 

The course is designed to inspire and develop individuals with effective and motivational training. It will enable practitioners to harness the full potential of a training group by facilitating discussion and participation. How to adapt your training to suit different clients and how to apply different learning processes in order to keep your clientele’s attention by delivering stimulating sessions are but a few of the skills that you will learn during this course. Furthermore, you will build up core competencies and take on board the People & Co. model for best practices in a learning environment. The course focuses on the key phases and dimensions of training; contracting; Design and Development; and evaluation. 

Course Target Audience 

This Award is valuable for those who:

-        Are employed in a human resource role and design and deliver effective internal training to colleagues;

-        Are professionals and want to pass on their skills to others through effective training;

-        Have a personal interest in providing training  and would like to acquire the skills of a highly effective trainer

-        Wish to become trainers

What will I get out of the Course?

  • Skills to deliver structured training sessions with well-defined objectives 
  • Ability to adapt training to cater to all learning styles
  • Confidence to manage a training environment, delegates, and yourself
  • A structured framework of best practice
  • Constructive feedback to improve performance
  • The skills to transform from a trainer to a 'Super-Trainer'
  • The versatility of training delivery
  • EXPANDED - Live streaming and delivering training online - various tools and techniques explored. 
  • Facilitation and Leadership skills to enhance the delegate's learning experience

Overall Programme Description

a) The two modules will provide the learner with the tools and skills needed to understand what constitutes training and how to be an effective trainer

b) Adapting to different case scenarios during training sessions and how to handle different learners during sessions

c) Gaining in-depth knowledge and understanding of different learning styles by course delegates

d) Competent in using various IT tools (especially for use of technology in remote training) and use of classes, discussion groups and role play to facilitate learning.


Learning Outcomes for Knowledge obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

a) Understand the techniques required to become an effective trainer: preparation of lesson plans for each session, avoiding cluttered slides, keeping eye contact with delegates, how to involve trainees in discussion

b) Handle difficult delegates and how to get out of/make best use of tricky situations

c)  Ensure that learners’ needs and expectations are met and exceeded

d) Deliver interesting, varied and meaningful sessions, involving the learners and encourage cross fertilisation of ideas among trainer and course delegates.


Learning Outcomes for Skills obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

1) Develop training courses, supported with lesson plans for each session, whereby trainees will achieve the desired skills

2) Expand his/her skills on how to adapt to different learning preferences of the audience

3) Expand his/her skills in the course material passed on to the trainees

4) Refine his/her skills on making creative learning sessions through various  learning tools so that sessions are more practical, meaningful and engaging

5) Extend his /her knowledge in his/her own area of expertise to keep improving on delivering more effective, meaningful and up-to-date training.




Title of the Module/Unit


Module1: Train the Trainer


Module/Unit Description




This module focuses on:

a)      Introduction to Training and what constitutes training;

b)      The scope and benefit of training which is to cope well with change and serve as an ongoing self-improvement tool;

c)       The Training Cycle: optimizing employee performance by identifying key-result areas, designing the course, delivering training and evaluating training using the Kirkpatrick model (1959);

d)     David Kolb (1974) Learning Cycle: carrying out an activity, reviewing outcomes, learning about different ways of  achieving goals and applying newly acquired knowledge in different situations.

e)      Honey and Mumford’s (1986, 1992) work about different learning styles namely Activists, Reflectors, Theorists and Pragmatists thereby understanding how each character type learns best/least

f)       Pitfalls which undermine learning.

Learning Outcomes














At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

a)      Create and deliver a well-structured (i.e. identifying course objectives, introduction, main body and conclusion) training session making use of group exercises and discussions, videos and individual exercises;

b)      Use evaluation feedback from course delegates to keep updating and improving material for training sessions and evaluate/improve his/her delivery methods;

c)     Be in a position to advise his/her employer to advise what training courses s/he could deliver instead of outsourcing to outsiders, thereby saving on training costs;



At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

a)      Understanding the learning cycle and applying this knowledge to create training courses that cover all learning styles ;

b)      Suggesting ways and means to reduce barriers in training thereby enhancing the added value to the participants;

c)      Dealing with difficult participants for e.g. those who think they are experts and therefore do not need training; those who are very critical of the tutor and/or other participants; those who do not participate and simply make up the numbers, etc.

d)     Applying visual aids effectively and avoid clutter/distractions in the training room;

e)      Understanding how and when to involve participants by means of open/close-ended questions depending on each individual, without creating undue pressure on the trainees.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

Knowledge & Understanding skills:

a)      Designing and leading/facilitating training courses to cover all learning styles;

b)      Getting the best results out of training by eliminating barriers and distractions to the trainees;

Judgement Skills:

a)      Identify the importance of the trainer’s role to increase work productivity;

b)      Make proper use of visual aids, such as flip charts, whiteboards, handouts and power point presentations, when conducting a training session;

c)      Differentiate between the various training methods and techniques and be able to identify the circumstances best suited to each method;


Communication Skills (module specific):

a)      interacting with all participants during training to ensure active involvement of each thereby leading to active learning;

b)      helping trainees understand through his/her explanations the relevant theories and how to apply them during training;

c)      projecting the right pitch when talking and pausing as necessary, keeping eye contact with the trainees and minimising barriers to learning for e.g. using a suitable seating arrangement, cut off noise/interruptions from the outside, lighting etc which all contribute to making a training session meaningful.


Module-Specific Learner Skills

(Over and above those mentioned in Section B)

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to

a)      conduct further research on the major theories expounded during the training;

b)      effect improvements to his/her workplace training, taking into consideration the individual needs and learning styles of the employees.


Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences

(Over and above those mentioned in Section B)

At the end of the module/unit, the learner will be able to

a)      access online sites and know what to look for and where.

b)      develop reciprocity and cooperation amongst students through the use of break-out sessions during training.

c)      respect diverse talents and ways of learning.




Module Contact Hours:12

Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 3

Self-Study Hours: 33

Assessment Hours: 2






Title of the Module/Unit


 Module 2: Advanced Train the Trainer

Module/Unit Description





This Module focuses on the:

a)      describing the trainer competency framework.

b)      outline the principles of adult learning or ‘andragogy’. General characteristics of adult learners.

c)      accelerating learning and the basic principles behind multi-sensory learning through the use of all five senses.

d)     Setting of Learning Objectives consisting of Behaviour, Condition and Standard Objectives.

e)      Learning Theories – determining the various learning styles during training; adjusting training delivery to facilitate learning

f)       delivering feedback to trainees: motivational and developmental feedback.

g)      explaining group dynamics and management; dealing with difficult delegate behaviour.

h)     applying facilitation techniques in training.


 Learning Outcomes

















At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

a)      Design a useful training course at his/her place of work;

b)      Be responsible for the training function at his/her place of work;

c)      Monitor the effectiveness of his/her training function and improve performance through delegates’ feedback and course evaluations;

d)     Become a better trainer, also using an appropriate leadership style during training.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

a)      Referring to a number of advanced theories which, taken together, lead to more effective delegates training;

b)      Understanding ‘active learning’ and how a person learns; this is vital to help a trainer further develop his/her skills;

c)      explaining the Active Learning Cycle;

d)     illustrating the role of the Advanced Trainer, based on the work of Robert Glaser (1990);

e)      stating how effective communication builds rapport with trainees:

f)       discussing the theory of adult learning vs children learning, as developed by Malcolm Knowles (1970), whose area of research was how to help adults learn;

g)      Characterising the Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic (VAK) learning preferences;

h)     Highlighting the difference in thought processes using the left as against the right side of the brain;

i)       Classifying the fundamentals of designing a training course;

j)        Describing Hopson and Loughary (1979) research on the different stages during training;

k)      explaining how people learn – the model  developed by Belbin, Downs and Perry (1981);

l)        expressing the John Heron ‘Modes of of Facilitation’ model;

m)   outlining Bloom’s learning CATEGORIES (1960);

n)     giving feedback to participants.



Module-Specific Communication Skills

(Over and above those mentioned in Section B)

The learner will be able to: 

a)      Discuss the theories of learning in particular, active learning and those developed by Kolb, Honey and Mumford and Carl Jung;

b)      Explain how people learn, namely not just by ‘doing’, but by adding variations to what they already know and do. In this way, people would be able to handle more complex situations;

c)      Present the Active Learning Cycle to the trainees and guide them through it. This is a four-stage process involving doing an activity, reviewing their experience, learning new theories and alternative approaches and applying what they have learnt to other situations.

d)     Review how good communication builds rapport and illustrate how body language is as important as the spoken word;

e)      Discuss the ‘life stages’ of learning and explain which learning situations adults prefer;

f)       Analyse the three styles of learning (VAK);

g)      State the differences between the left brain and the right brain processor and what each side of the brain is geared for;

h)     Explain the principles involved in designing a training course and the importance of setting clear learning outcomes;

i)       Describe the role of the training facilitator.


Module-Specific Learner Skills

(Over and above those mentioned in Section B)

The learner will be able to:

a)      Assess what role to play as a skilled group facilitator to best promote the dynamics of that group and to contribute toward the group succeeding;

b)      Identify difficult individuals within a group and assessing how to best deal with them;

c)      Propose a learning environment that promotes behaviour change;

d)     Select questioning techniques so as to keep the group engaged

e)      Identify ways of how to provide information in a clear manner which delegates can easily understand;

f)       Keep abreast with new theories and in this field of effective training through own study and research;

g)      Evaluate his/her training performance and the feedback received from the participants to keep improving his/her training capabilities and effectiveness;


Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences

(Over and above those mentioned in Section B)

At the end of the module/unit, the learner will be able to

a)      access online sites and portals, know what to look for and where;

b)      Develop reciprocity and cooperation amongst students through the use of break-out sessions during training;

c)      Respect diverse talents and ways of learning. 



Module Contact Hours:10

Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 2

Self-Study Hours: 35

Assessment Hours: 3

















MQFEQF Level 5 Award in Train the Trainer 4 ECTS

 Please find full details of our Internal Quality Assurance Document (Policy for Quality Assurance) here.


Course Description

The course has been designed to incorporate both the Train the trainer Standard Course and Train the Trainer Advanced Course. Learners are required to work on and fill-in 2 workbooks and make 2 presentations.


Assessment & Certification.

Competencies are observed against a checklist. Course delegates have to satisfy the assessor that the competencies have been achieved before signing off for a course pass.



During the course, there will be the opportunity to indulge in recorded practice sessions. Feedback will be delivered on a group and individual basis.


Trainer Contact Hours Total: 22

Self Study Hours Total: 68

Practice Hours Total: 5

Assessment Hours Total: 5

Total Study Time: 100


Mode of Delivery: Fully face-to-face learning, or fully online learning 


Program Delivery: Online training will be delivered on the Microsoft Teams platform.  Face-to-face training will be given at Suite 4 Paolo Court, Giuseppe Cali Street, Ta ‘Xbiex. 


Minimum 80% lecture attendance


Career Progression: Human Resources, Internal Training, Educational Lecturer 


Schedule: This course is spread over 4 weeks part time. There is some flexibility in scheduling subject to group consensus.


Inclusive Training

At People & Co Ltd/ People Learning we embrace inclusion in all of our courses.  Our online and on-premise facilities include many resources to assist with accessibility and inclusion for delegates with disabilities and impairments. To highlight any requirements for registration please click the link below and one of our customer service advisors will be happy to assist with further information. 

People Learning Contact Us









Classes are limited to a maximum of 8 participants.



International students: 

Identity Malta’s VISA requirement for third-country nationals


Course Funding:                                                                                                                                 

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*Disclaimer: Kindly note that scheduled dates and times are subject to change. We will do our best to avoid rescheduling, however, in the unlikely event that this occurs, new dates/times will be discussed with applicants.

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Course Schedules

  17 Mar 2025 - 03 Apr 2025 €1,400.00
   17 Mar 25 1000 1300
   18 Mar 25 1000 1300
   20 Mar 25 1000 1300
   21 Mar 25 1000 1300
   24 Mar 25 1000 1300
   27 Mar 25 1000 1300
   28 Mar 25 1000 1300
   31 Mar 25 1000 1300
   03 Apr 25 1000 1300

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